The octopus, as an archetype of the emerging paradigm, presents an intriguing possibility for all reasons that you both have already identified and I appreciate you doing so. I would like to introduce another aspect to this discussion.

Every gift comes with a limitation. Similarly, as we often grasp for our own perspective as if it is the only valid one, the octopus symbolizes the truth that multiple perspectives exist, each contributing an essential part to the ever-evolving whole. Understanding this truth requires transcending our self-concepts and 'presencing' the relationships being expressed. This kind of 'ego-death' is crucial for coherence and ultimately, coordination, imo. It is exemplified by the mother octopus, who devotes all her resources to protecting her eggs, only to sacrifice herself once they hatch.

As we celebrate Mother's Day today in various parts of the world, let us honor mothers whose female bodies and hearts have undergone a transformative journey of this kind, albeit imperfectly. They embody this vital and necessary process of comings and goings so essential for nurturing life in all its forms.

Coincidently (or perhaps, not), I have recently written about this and humbly share it here to add to the discussion: https://immediacyforum.substack.com/p/the-grace-and-beauty-of-chaos

Take good care

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I think it would be useful to include Donna Haraway's concept of the Chthulucene here as it reflects many of the ideas discussed but rejects elites and creative geniuses for collectivity.

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